Tuesday 30 December 2014

Best Life Club

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”~ Nelson Mandela

Welcome to the Best Life Club! 

Our mission is to find ways to live our best life and share our good learnings with others.  We would love for you to join our club! 

What will you do in 2015 to inspire yourself and others?  Can we share in your adventure?
This blog is has been created for adventure seekers and challengers of the human spirit so that they may post their goals and achievements with the intent that we can celebrate accomplishments and learn to be bold and braver in this life from those that we admire the most.

Looking forward to reading your posts and finding out how you have challenged yourself and all about your amazing accomplishments in 2015.  It's going to be fun learning about the Mount Everest climbers, new bagpipe players, new non-smokers, and new entrepreneurs and so on and so on.... We are so excited to be inspired by YOU!    

You are here to live your Best Life and we want to hear all about it!

Lorna McLean
CEO BLC (Best Life Club) 


  1. I love this idea Lorna! YOU Inspire ME so in turn I hope I can also inspire someone. I am joining Club 50 this year so am going to make it a year filled with adventures. Some big, some small and some I have never done before. 2015 will start with a splash - Polar Bear Dip in Lake Ontario on January 1st. http://www.polarbeardip.ca/dippers.php

  2. Awesome Lindy! I LOVE adventure and because 50 is a number you should ease into, you should have an adventure every month! Can't wait to hear all about it and please post pics! Thanks Lorna

  3. For February my adventure was to go to The Scandinave Spa in Blue Mountain. This Spa is located in the woods with nature all around. While gentle white snowflakes fell I had my first ever Steam Room Experience and lived my Best Life swimming in hot pools, plunging in cold pools, steam room, sauna & a great massage all in one luxurious day. A Fabulous February!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. For March my adventure was to go to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida for the 1st time! This adventure was filled with many firsts including my first Mardi Gras. Loved everything about this place. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was incredible - a Magical March!

  6. For April I decided I needed to look after me so that I am ready to continue enjoying many more wonderful adventures this year. This month my adventure was to join Good Life Fitness Women's club with my 3 girls. (I need to get going so I am ready for Foam Fest!) In the spirit of looking after me I have also booked 1 spa me day every month. Sweet!

  7. For the month of May I continued to celebrate my 50th by enjoying High Tea at the Robinson-Brae House in Streetsville, Ontario. It was a wonderful gift of an experience from a long time friend. Delicious & Fun - High Tea is my new favourite thing!

  8. For the month of May I was lucky enough to participate in the Smilezone charity's 1st ever 24 Hour Hockey Tournament in Oakville on May 8th-9th. The Goal of Smilezone is to transform health care settings into an oasis for children who need a break from their treatments. We renovate spaces and provide a safe environment for children to escape their daily battle for a while so they can just be a kid. It was exhausting but fun and we raised over $100,000! The bonus was I got to meet Hockey's most famous father --- Walter Gretzky!

  9. For the month of June I attended an Adult Art Class at 4 Cats Art Studio. This is again something that I have never done before. It took me a while to stop trying to be perfect and just let go. By that time the night was over....it just flew by! Although I am no Jean Claude Monet, this is something I will definitely do again. The memory of this wonderful evening will linger with me for a while .....mostly because I cannot get all the paint off my hands :)

  10. For the month of June I also joined my first ever book club! I know - no idea what has taken me so long. “Oakville Reads” is an on-line book club and the first book is called “No Safe House” by Linwood Barclay. This author used to write for the Toronto Star and lives in Oakville! He will be joining our group later this month for a Q&A! How exciting! So far I like this club because you can read the books or not (no pressure) and you can make comments whenever you like – day or night.

    Here are the links:
    Oakville Reads https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/136571-oakville-reads
    Linwood Barclay http://www.linwoodbarclay.com/about/

  11. July Adventures included:
    - July 1st Canada Day Celebration in Bronte Park, Oakville. Believe it or not I have never been to this before. Since we can walk to it from our house we plan to make it an annual event. Next year I hope to make it out of the beer tent and actually see some fireworks - lol!
    - 5 km Foamfest at Dagmar Ski Resort in Uxbridge, ON. One daughter, One sister, One friend, One great day! Lots of challenges, Lots of fun!
    - Escape from the 6. Howdy Partners! This was a Western Jail Cell Themed Escape Room Challenge. A really fun and unique way to spend the evening with the cowpokes. We solved all the clues and challenges and escaped from the room in 1 hour & 9 minutes and then headed over to the saloon for some celebration refreshments. Giddy Up!

  12. end of September and beginning of October was a trip to Europe with my 2 sisters!! The adventures consisted of:
    - AMSTERDAM - A canal ride, The red light district and a Bike Tour through the countryside
    - BRUGES - A wonderful tour of this stunning town that included a most delicious Belgium waffle
    - VENICE - Breath taking city that included a bucket list Gondola Ride
    - BULLET TRAIN - Another first - A scenic & fast way to move across Europe
    - FLORENCE - A highlight was a Horse and Buggy Tour through this beautiful city
    - SIENNA & SAN GIMIGANANO - Picturesque Medieval Towns
    - CINQUE TERRE - 5 little villages on the coast of Italy - breathtaking!
    - ROME - Colosseum, Spanish Steps, The Vatican - Magnifico!

  13. I believe. On December 12th I completed the Santa 5K Run in Burlington, Ontario. It was a sea of red suits as over 3000 happy Santa's participated. I have run before but never in a red suit and beard. Lots of fun and a great way to enjoy some Christmas spirit - I would do this one again!
